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 How Do You Wear A U Part Wig

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P R E G L E D     S P O R O Č I L   V   T E M I
ruiyuhair [url=]U Part Wig[/url] also can be called u part half wig, is essentially a wig with a small hole at the top or side of the wig in the shape of a U. The hole enables you to blend and manipulate your leave out over the top of your wig or attach a closure, leaving you with a hairstyle that looks as if it is growing out of your scalp! [url=]U Part Wig Human Hair[/url] are modified half wigs that allow you to cover their tracks with your own hair.

Now, how does u part wig work? Let's come into the important part: how to install u part wig? Check [url=]Kinky Straight U Part Wig[/url] installation guidance and follow the steps to make them secure on your head:

Step 1: Part your hair to make sure that you have enough leave-out to blend with the wig.
Note: Try on the u-part wig first to see how it falls, and then adjust your parting accordingly.

Step 2: Section off a bit of your natural hair around your edges (aka “baby hairs”) at the front on both sides. Then, tie the rest of your hair up into a ponytail, and pin the ponytail securely with bobby pins.
Note: If your hair is longer than shoulder-length, we recommend cornrowing your hair down around the leave-out.

Step 3: Next put the human u part wig on from the center of the u-part, and clip it down wherever there are clips, making sure that the wig lays flat on your head.

Step 4: Part your leave-out in the direction you desire, and flat iron each section down accordingly, making sure to cover the edge of the u-part opening of the wig.

Step 5: Lastly, flat iron your leave-out together with hair from u part wig with leave out so that it blends smoothly & seamlessly.
Note: Use a comb to help direct the hair when flat ironing.

I hope you have found this guide useful. If you need any more help just let us know either by visit

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